Dear Dhamma friends
First of all, I would like to present you all a very precious thing the most I like in my life is that the first thing which I have done up to now.
This is my first work to Buddhism. It is gratitude to nearly the half of my age in Buddhism With full veneration to the teachers and friends
I work at this very hard duty in order to help the learners of Abhidhamma to some extents. However, it is no standard of modern dictionary as regard my bit knowledge. During this compilation, I get some confused at the decision whether the definition of word concerned.
Some words are rendered many English equivalents. Sankhara, for instance, is multi-significant meaning as mental formation, function, Kammaic formation. In afraid of costing of meaning, I shall chose only one or two meaning and the chosen one would not lead to misunderstanding.
The main motive mode to set-up this dictionary: 1- I myself look crazy on Abhidamma words and no dictionary relevant to this aim, 2- I, the first one who challenges with this common negligence, am the student so neither the other students are.
I need your comment on this cover design and my good-will will reciprocate reverence to you.
Best wishes for all.
Respected Venerable,
I am Khmer, lay person who is interested in learning about Dhamma. I am very leased to find your blog.
In the same endeavor tp spread Dhamma, I create my blog as mean to outreach public opinion about certain Dhamma issues. I hope you can help me with more insight on Dhamma. Please go to livingdhama.blogspot.com
I have borrowed some of your pictures for futher spreading. I hope you would allow to get it accordingly.
I also consider put your blog into mine, in view to spread Dhamma further. Please let me know if you agree with this idea.
With my respects,
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cheer !
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