Seven Factors for Prosperity of Nation
Once when the Buddha was residing on the Vulture’s Peak in Rajagaha Kingdom, the King Ajatasattu of Magadha State sent his chief minister- Vassakara to the Buddha to seek some advices or hints on his alleged attack upon the Vijjian. Instead, the Lord gave some in the form of preaching to his attendant Venerable Ananda. He give the seven factors of the condition of the welfare/ prosperity of the nation.
They are as follow:
- frequent and many public meeting
- Assembling, dispersing and performance of duties in unity
- Not to introduce the new rule, nor break the old one.
- To honor /revere/ support the elder
- Not to abduct/ seduce women/ girls
- To honor/ esteem shrines in towns and villages, and
- To provide protections for noble one.
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